Saturday, February 29, 2020

Chemically prepared or sensitized material

Chemically prepared or sensitized material INTRODUCTION OF PHOTOGRAPHY Photography is defined as the science and art of producing an exact impression of an object on chemically prepared or sensitized material by using light. It depends on the sensitiveness of silver compound to light. The photographs are usually taken by means of a photographic camera. Camera is an instrument consisting of a light-tight box with a place for the light sensitive film at one end and covering lens or a combination of lenses by which a real, inverted and diminished image can be obtained on the other hand. This instrument called camera is so devised that lens may be moved forward and backward by screw arrangement, with a view to getting a distinct and clear image of an object, placed before the lens, on the film. While it is easy to make comparisons between the pupil of the eye and the f-stop of a camera or between the retina of the eye and photographic film .Once we get past the basic similarities of the optics of the two systems comparisons begi n to rapidly break down. The eye is not only much more complex than a camera and its film but the two imaging devices function by different chemical mechanisms. The photographer the automatic exposure system of the camera regulates the f-stop opening and time of exposure of her camera to match the sensitivity of film while the iris and retina sensitivity of the eye adjust to correspond to the light level of the scene. This first installment on the chemistry of photography is intended to introduce in a simplified way the basic concepts of silver halide photography. It will not delve into the physics of optics the functioning of cameras and lenses, photographic techniques, non-silver processes, or the artistic aspects of photography. Photography encompasses many things – there is a science to photography, but as a means of expression, it is ultimately an art form. There are many techniques and forms of photography which fill many books in the library and many pages on the Inter net. Beyond this point, the actual taking of pictures, style, and good composition will not be mentioned again. Chemistry is an even larger subject area, encompassing all areas of life and invisible details that are often mind boggling. To couple photography and chemistry is narrower than either subject on its own, but still includes a lot of material. These pages will look at some basics, presenting only a small fraction of the information relevant to the chemistry of photography. Photography encompasses many things – there is a science to photography, but as a means of expression, it is ultimately an art form. There are many techniques and forms of photography which fill many books in the library and many pages on the Internet. Beyond this point, the actual taking of pictures, style, and good composition will not be mentioned again. Chemistry is an even larger subject area, encompassing all areas of life and invisible details that are often mind boggling. To couple photogra phy and chemistry is narrower than either subject on its own, but still includes a lot of material. These pages will look at some basics, presenting only a small fraction of the information relevant to the chemistry of photography.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Managerial economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Managerial economics - Assignment Example 6) Firms competing in a perfect competitive market industry in most cases have little motivation for competition due to knowledge on the market dynamics (Baumol 67). As a result, their understanding of the market hampers the growth and need for incentives for developing technology. Changing consumer trends, the stature and change of traditional target markets could encourage development of research so that these trends can be monitored and dealt with effectively. For instance, young people are difficult to understand since they change their trends and preferences dynamically (Baumol  68). 1) a) MTA is monopolistic in the New York Area and it poses a great deal of control over the transport market in the New York Area. This is because despite the drop in the vehicle numbers, MTA still had the opportunity to increase the toll charges for accessing and using the roads and bridges. This strategy and move is a monopolistic move since it does not conform to the rules of demand and supply (Baumol 70). b) MTA could set small toll charges for them to maximize on profit to be realized in using the toll service. This is because this strategy would not increase the expense but it would lead to increased revenue. Increase in vehicles numbers is related to the reduced toll charges (McConnell  46). c) The best decision would be to lower the tolls fees because this would the help in increasing in the customer/vehicle numbers (McConnell  91). On the other hand, increasing the vehicle numbers would make more money through revenues to MTA. 2) a) The strategy of increasing the ticket prices could work for QuadPlex in its push to make more earnings and profit. This is because; QuadPlex theatre enjoys monopoly in the cinema business in Idaho Falls. b) The market power for QuadPlex can be measured through the number of people who visit the cinema hall and the other alternatives forms of entertainment eating on

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Children with special needs can be cured Thesis

Children with special needs can be cured - Thesis Example mmended for the improvement that the children with special need positioned in inclusion classrooms, there is nothing more imperative than the educational benefits. According to different research studies children with developmental disabilities positioned in inclusion classrooms create immense developments in language, mental and motor development that are beyond their peers in individual education classrooms. Poor children are exposed to significantly more social and physical toxicities in the environment that cause or exacerbate chronic health conditions.  These exposures are due to the risk behaviors of their parents, other adults around them, and their living environment.  Substance use by their mothers during pregnancy; poor nutrition pre- and post-natal; exposure to second hand tobacco smoke; substandard housing with potentially increased levels of toxins. Once diagnosed with a chronic condition, poor children and their families generally have more limited access to health services, (McManus & Newacheck, 1040; Miller, 430) and often the services they receive are of lower quality.  In some places, health providers are subtly directed to limit their therapeutic time with a child covered by Medicaid because the reimbursement is too low to cover their time. Just as medical technology has prolonged more childrens lives, scientific advances have increased knowledge about treatments, equipment and technological devices designed to improve the function and quality of life of Children With Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN).  For example, early intervention services are guaranteed by law for children with or at risk of developmental disabilities as a way to maximize their potential (Ramey & Ramey, 110).  Adapted computer technology and new therapies can increase functional abilities for children with motor and sensory impairments.  However, both the increased prevalence of CSHCN and increased treatment options are occurring in the context of a national effort to